Quality Assurance On-the-Go
Our latest tool, Atiom Audits, has been a hit across the hospitality industry. Now teams of all sizes can spot check performance in real-time, and leaders can ensure their guest-facing staff are motivated and workforce ready. Whether you are preparing your teams for LQA and Forbes mystery shoppers or need support in opening a new hotel, Atiom Audits is for you.
Atiom Audits also now makes us a full-suite toolbox with everything from peer-to-peer recognition and daily training activities to community forums for sharing best practices and engagement surveys—all with a layer of gamification that keeps your teams coming back.
But where did Atiom start, and how did we get here?
Atiom’s first tool was smart flashcards where teams could effectively learn standard operating procedures using a spaced repetition framework (think Duolingo). What is spaced repetition, and why does it work so well? Spaced repetition is a learning method that reviews information at increasing intervals to strengthen memory. It leverages the “forgetting curve” by timing reviews just before we’re likely to forget, which solidifies neural connections. Combining active recall (retrieving info from memory) with spaced intervals, this approach boosts long-term retention more effectively than cramming.

Atiom is the leading behavioral change technology in hospitality, proven to build habits and shift performance. If you want to have a chat with us, don't be shy! Reach out at hello@atiom.app.